As far as equity calculations go, though, the only adjustment is based on the cards you were actually all-in against. The simple version is that you've been lucky when you were all-in, but this doesn't say anything about your overall luck - for example if you were dealt KK and got all-in you'd probably consider that lucky, but if you happened to run into AA you'd say you were unlucky. The ICM anticipated winnings of your actual all-in results are higher than the ICM anticipated winnings based on your equity share of the chips in your all-in hands. In situations where a player has mediocre results, he would be recommended to play fewer tables. Approximately 6g/h is one table at a time. Your net adjusted graph suggests that your all-in hands have won more than would be expected based on the equities of those all-in hands. This is a report for the support to check how many tables the player was playing at once. The term EV refers to the expected value of a range of hands, and trackers can't calculate that as it is an estimate based on an assumed range of hands - please read this tutorial for a more in-depth explanation. PT4 does not display 'EV', it displays equity adjusted winnings. DESCUBRE MS -POKERTRACKER 4 en Espaol-En este vdeo Molina nos ensea cmo configurar paso a paso Pokertracker 4 y sus funciones en este tutoria.